Helpful Tips For Returning To Work After Maternity Leave


Helpful Tips For Returning To Work After Maternity Leave

When your maternity leave ends we know that many mothers would have mixed feelings. On one hand, you would be more than happy to go back to work. That is because you would want your continue climbing that career ladder. Furthermore, you may also be wanting a break from all the baby minding. However, on the other hand, you would be feeling guilty about leaving your baby. You may also be feeling anxious about leaving your baby with a stranger. However, what you need to understand is what you are feeling is completely normal. Every mother would go on to experience these feelings. What you are doing is making a major transition. Therefore it is understandable for you to have a few doubts.

Deal With The Logistics

You may have already found long day care sydney for the baby. But now you have to deal with the logistics. That is because the life you would have gotten used to during the past couple of months has to change. Now you need to plan to drop off your baby and then get to work. Furthermore, we understand that you would still be breastfeeding. Therefore you need to determine when you would be giving the last feeding to the child. Furthermore, you also need to decide how you would handle pumping milk whilst working. Some mothers opt to feed their child personally during the middle of the day. But this would only be possible if the two establishments are situated nearby. If not, you need to determine how many bottles to drop off with the child.

Have a Trial Run

Once you find childcare Camden it would seem as if a big weight has been lifted off your shoulders. But even then when the time comes to leaving the baby and going to work you would feel apprehensive. Many mothers find it near impossible to leave the baby on the very first day. Thus, that is why we are advising you to have a trial run. This should ideally be done a couple of days before you go back to work. Then you can see how the child would survive without you. Furthermore, you would also get some practice leaving the child. However, understand that you don’t have to be absent for the entire day during this trial run. Instead, you can opt to go to the salon or even to the spa for a couple of hours. Then you can both prep yourself for going back to work and conduct this trial run.Thus, this is how you have a smooth transition when maternity leave ends.

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